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  1. 每日英语|每天学一点英语在国外购买化妆品必备口语



I need some cosmetics. 我需要一些化妆品。

I'd like to buy some cosmetics. 我想购买一些化妆品。

Where can I get the eye cream? 我可以在哪儿买到眼霜?

Do you have any foundation for summer/ Winter?你们有夏天/冬天用的粉底吗?

What kind of perfume do you have? 你们有什么牌子的香水?

How do you like this one? 你觉得这种怎么样?

Please show me something of good quality. 请给我那瓶质量好的看看。

The elegent smell. 高雅的香味。

I'm not sure if this color watches my skin tone, can I try it first? 我不能确定这个颜色是否适合我的肤色,我可以试用一下吗?

It’s still too bright. Any darker shades? 还是太浅了,再深一点的有吗?

Any brand will do so long as I can get the right color. 哪种品牌都可以,只要颜色合适就行。

Could you give me some ideas? 你能给我提些建议吗?

Your complexion is on the oily side. I suggest you use cleansing gel. 你的皮肤较油,我建议你用洁面乳。

If my skin is allergic to the product, can I bring it back for a refund? 如果我的皮肤对那个产品过敏,我可以拿回来退吗?

I want to buy a new lipstick. Do you know any good brands? 我想买一支新的唇膏,你知道哪个牌子比较好用吗?

I will try this nail-polish. 我要试试这种指甲油。

How much for this black mascara? 这支黑色的睫毛膏要多少钱?

Anything else? 还需要别的吗?

No, thank you. 没有了,谢谢你。

My pleasure. 很乐意为您服务。

