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  1. 网传桥水基金爆仓?网友:真假难辩!现在全世界都在等达里奥起床




Just got it from my friend who works at a Hedge Fund

Hope u are well I think we are heading to a total stop in US. This piece is worth your attention...


I wanted to share for any input. I’ve been watching what is going on in markets and my conclusion was that Risk Parity has blown up and Citadel and Millennium are in deep trouble. I just received a call from an old GS friend who now runs a large part of a Japanese bank balance sheet in the US and he was highly agitated...


His observation is that Bridgewater has faced massive redemptions from Saudi and others and that is what is caused some of the more dramatic moves last week (gold, bonds, equities and FX). He thinks AQR and 2 Sigma are in the same boat. There is massive forced liquidation of risk parity. All of them run leverage in the strategy, sometimes significant. Sovereign wealth, he thinks, is running for the hills as are others.

他看到桥水面临来自沙特和其他投资人的大规模赎回,这也是导致上周一些剧烈震荡(黄金、债券、股票和外汇)的原因。他认为AQR和2 Sigma也面临同样问题。风险平价策略投资组合被大规模强制清算,其中全部都在投资中使用了杠杆,有些还杠杆率惊人。他认为,主权财富基金和其他机构一样也都在逃跑。

My friend explained that due to the Volker rules, now that vol has risen, we has to cut risk limits by 80% in many areas – to put it in perspective his Dollar Mex position limit has gone from 200m to 12m. Thus, just when he was supposed to prove liquidity, he has to reduce it. His hands are tied. Even worse, he has to hedge counterparty risk with corp borrowers and that is adding to the tail spin of selling. There is no liquidity from the banks.


The same VAR issue, he claims, is hitting Citadel and Millennium but with a twist. He, along with all the banks, is jacking up lending rates to counterparties from Libor +35 to Libor +90 and he has a $1.5trn balance sheet. The funding stress is forcing banks to reduce lending risk. The issue is that the funding stress is coming from Citadel and Millennium it seems. They rely on repo but via the banks but the transmission mechanism is broken (regulation). It appears that Bernanke probably called Powell and asked him to flood with liquidity at repo but instead of $500bn being drawn, only $78 was drawn. The banks don’t need the cash and don’t want to lend to counterparties. And there in lies the problem – a full credit crunch.


With rates going up, all the relative value trades have blown up. Nothing works any more as they were making 12bps in illiquid stuff on massive leverage (off the runs, etc). As funding goes up they instantly go wildly unprofitable and are stuck either begging for repo funding or having to unwind and realize massive losses. There is no funding. This is big trouble.


These guys are short vol (VAR), short liquidity and short rates. The perfect fucking storm.


Then on top of that, my friend who was almost yelling to me about it, says he cannot take any risk and therefore cannot provide liquidity. His hands are tied.


COVID makes it even worse and liquidity is going to massively dry up next week and for the next few weeks. You see under Series 24 of FINRA, a trader cannot make markets from home. It is illegal. So everyone is getting sent home but the traders. The problem is the traders are now falling ill – JPM and CS are the two I’ve heard thus far. They will have to go home and each day more do, or decide they want to, the lower liquidity gets. No one can make markets.

冠状病毒使情况更糟。下周和未来几周,流动性将大量枯竭。根据FINRA的Series 24规定,交易员在家里做市是违法的。所以别人都回家了,只有交易员不能回。问题在于,越来越多的交易员们都生病了——我到目前为止听到的有摩根大通和CS两家——他们将不得不回家。随着被迫或决定回家的人越多,市场流动性就越低,因为没有人做市了。

Also, in the corp credit markets things are equally fucked up. Credit, due to the liquidity issues, has stopped trading. That is causing IG etc to blow out. When banks lend to corps, a separate desk (CVA or CPM desk) shorts the stock or buys the CDS etc as a hedge (regulations again) and if the loan is still on the books (they are not allowed to own the bonds but can lend to counterparties, bizarrely) they continues to do that as stocks fall or CDS widens. Essentially, they are short gamma, creating a lob sided market. Everyone is a seller and no one is a buyer. The banks have made money on the hedges while the debt markets get worse.


This is causing the equity value of many firms such as Haliburton, to fall below the debt levels. Whether these borrowers have cash on balance sheet or not is irrelevant because of the falling equity value in this market and from the CVA hedging. That is causing spreads to blow out and it will cause downgrades, thus creating a doom loop.


So, we have a total shit storm if vol stays here for any period of time. I do not see vol falling yet and that is going to cause a really big issue with Citadel, Millennium, all the risk parity unwinds, all the risker credit that is being shorted for hedging and the repo that no one wants in the banks but their counterparties desperately needs. Every day this situation continues, the more dangerous it is going to get....


We have a big fucking margin call under way.


In my friends opinion, the only way to stop this is to remove the Volker rule under the emergency powers act ( to allow banks to provide liquidity), the Fed to cut to zero and for them to buy corporate bonds. All the banks have been talking to FINRA and they have said go to the government. Problem is Jamie Dimon is in bed. They need him to run the US Treasury as he is the only person who understands all of this and can navigate it through the politics.

在我的朋友看来,阻止这种情况的唯一办法是取消《紧急权力法》(emergency powers act)下的沃尔克规则(Volker rule),以允许银行提供流动性。联储应将基金利率削减到零,并购买公司债券。所有的银行都和FINRA谈过了,但FINRA说应该去找政府。问题在于杰米·戴蒙(摩根大通CEO)还生病在床。应该由他来管理美国财政部,因为他是唯一了解全局,并有能力驾驭政治的人。

This is likely the fix that needs to happen. What happens to Citadel, Millennium, Bridgewater, AQR, 2 Sigma and the corp bond market until they pull that trigger, I have no idea.

这可能是必要的解决问题的办法。在此之前,Citadel,Millennium,Bridgewater,AQR,2 Sigma和公司债券市场会发生什么,我不知道。

I thought you’d all be interested.






先说为什么不敢。上周以桥水基金的达里奥为代表的风险平价型对冲基金(Risk Parity funds)大暴雷,很多对冲基金用十倍以上的杠杆管理着数万亿美元的资产,他们完全没有预料到三四个标准方差以上的黑天鹅们正在逼近,特别是石油和病毒这对“黑风双煞”的杀伤力如此惊人,远远超过了他们的想象。

风险平价策略的“祖师爷”达里奥在今年一月时还曾信心满满,他在达沃斯论坛中放出狂言“Cash is trash!”(现金就是垃圾!),号召投资人在2020年的市场上“胆子更大一些,步子更快一些”,冲向全球市场,拥抱多样化的资产,千万不能持有现金。



















